LaGonave, Haiti


     Chris Kohler, Ph.D., is a Professor emeritus of Zoology at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. He has published extensively in the scientific literature, including co-editing a popular college textbook—Inland Fisheries Management in North America, 1st and 2nd editions. The international focus of much of his research and development work often placed him in the midst of exotic locales throughout much of the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. One of his more memorable endeavors occurred in the colorful and mystical island nation of Haiti. Cracked Island, his first novel, draws upon his personal experiences, stories conveyed by friends and colleagues, and fragments of story lines gleaned from the many fine books and articles written about Haiti, its people, and its rich culture.  Chris lives in North Carolina with his wife, Charlee Sue, and with fond memories of two rather large tabby cats.

 Chris' Academic Achievements

Vodou Ceremony